New Female Viagra Nothing to Sneeze At

New studies in Canada and Australia are looking for subject to test a trial drug being hailed as "female Viagra". The method of delivery for the testosterone gel is not very sexy - you have to spray it into your nose. It's absorbed in a few minutes and may take effect in a few hours.

I haven't read a clear explanation of how the drug, called Tefina, actually works, except that it has some neurological and vascular components.

We're always hearing some story about companies chasing after the elusive female Viagra, but sex clinicians feel it's not just for profit - there is a real need for something that can address the female sexual dysfunction - low libido, inability to orgasm - which some say up to 43% of women experience to some degree.

So, we'll see. Sticking something in your nose isn't the sexiest kind of foreplay for most, but if the stuff works, we may see a new genre of nasal erotica.